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For many of us, music is much more than just a form of expression. This sentiment rings true for Australian musician Jay Howie. For him, music offers an unadulterated emotional release; a profound outpouring of one’s soul that fills the proverbial cup of each of Jay’s Blues compositions. Influenced by an amalgamation of old delta Blues players, as well as the Chicago Blues scene and British Blues of the late ’60s and ’70s, Jay’s approach to the genre is marked by his ability to thread together the emotional fibres of his past, present and future.

His undeniable ability with the guitar is matched only by his raw vocal palette, with his lyrics echoing insightful and heartfelt storytelling abilities. He is currently sitting on a discography containing a full-length album (Tales of Woe and Coincidence), an EP (Dirty Habits), and a brand new album (High Times). His solo material has taken him across Australia, sharing the stage with the likes of Ash Grunwald, Lloyd Spiegel and Dutch Tilders. Today, Jay continues to position himself as a Blues artist to watch in the future.