In a time when blues is in great danger of being swallowed by the all-encompassing term “roots music,” the very concept of a blues band seems to be almost a quaint idea.
The Shane Pacey Blues Trio is that rare (and becoming rarer!) thing, a dedicated blues band; and although Shane’s other band, The Bondi Cigars is still a going concern, Shane recently felt the strong urge to revisit the music that turned him on when he first started playing, such as the guitar playing and singing of Peter Green and the short sharp style coming out of Chess Records in the 50’s and 60s.
“The main aim,” states Shane “Is to create something totally different to The Cigars”. Bearing that in mind, people should not expect any Cigars material at an SPBT gig, but rather a no-nonsense trip through blues’ back pages, all played with Shane’s customary attack and passion.